Thing Thing 4

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Thing Thing 4

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Game Description

The Thing Thing saga continues in Thing Thing 4. Kill everyone on your way to escape from this dreaded facility. Use W key to jump, S to duck, move left with A, move right with D, switch weapon with E, use melee weapon with Q, throw or swap weapon using spacebar, run with shift key, use mouse to aim, and left click to fire.

Game Stats

Champion Champion: none  Top Score Top Score: 0  Category Category: Action games
High Score Game High Score Game  Game added Added On: 11th Nov 2009  Gameplays Played: 7923 times
Thing Thing 4 Full Screen Mode: Thing Thing 4 Full Screen

Game Rating

(4.25 avg.) Rated: 8 times


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Game Comments/Reviews

chickenbutt avatar
chickenbutt Positive Review
Reviewed on June 28, 2012, 9:46 pm
Guest avatar
Guest Positive Review
This game needs a story mode. XD
Reviewed on December 22, 2009, 7:59 am

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